
Rapper Q-Tip Hopes George Zimmerman Goes ‘Under The Jail’

The world is currently paying close attention to the details surrounding Trayvon Martin’s death as George Zimmerman’s trial continues.

The court proceeding had at times grew very emotional for the slain teen’s parents who left the courtroom after an image of their son’s body was displayed.

Zimmerman’s claims of self-defense have angered many after he seemingly followed the youth who was out picking up some snacks for the NBA All-Star game.

Rapper Q-Tip, of A Tribe Called Quest, already has a verdict in mind for the former neighborhood watchman.

The “Vibrant Thing” rapper took to Twitter to slam the murder suspect.

“I hope Zimmerman goes under the jail,” he wrote.

Rachel Jeantel, Martin’s friend, is seen as a key witness in the case as she was on the phone with Martin minutes before he died

Jeantel took the witness stand for the past two days recounting the events before the murder took place.

Prosecutors aim to convince the jury Zimmerman profiled Martin before killing him.

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