
Meet Khalil Underwood: Singer Behind Justin Beiber’s ‘N Word’ Song Hoax

It appears Justin Bieber was being truthful the entire time. Bieber was under intense scrutiny after multiple news sources reported the pop star uttered a racial slur in a new song.

The “What She Want” song appeared on YouTube bearing the Canadian singer’s image.

Beiber’s camp quickly slammed the song, calling it a hoax and work feverishly to remove the song from the Internet.

The actual artist behind the song’s name is New Jersey artist Khalil Underwood.

Underwood sent a series of messages claiming the song to be his via his Twitter account:

“Justin Bieber never said the N word lol but I did cause it’s my song

“Next person who makes a fake Justin Bieber YouTube account and puts my music on it! There will be war

“All you beliebers help out my last tweet! Imma make a video on it soon ugh I hate how people keep confusing us!” he wrote.

Listen to “What She Wants” below

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